5 research outputs found

    Commercial forest species discrimination and mapping using cost effective multispectral remote sensing in midlands region of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.Discriminating forest species is critical for generating accurate and reliable information necessary for sustainable management and monitoring of forests. Remote sensing has recently become a valuable source of information in commercial forest management. Specifically, high spatial resolution sensors have increasingly become popular in forests mapping and management. However, the utility of such sensors is costly and have limited spatial coverage, necessitating investigation of cost effective, timely and readily available new generation sensors characterized by larger swath width useful for regional mapping. Therefore, this study sought to discriminate and map commercial forest species (i.e. E. dunii, E.grandis, E.mix, A.mearnsii, P.taedea and P.tecunumanii, P.elliotte) using cost effective multispectral sensors. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of freely available Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) in mapping commercial forest species. Using Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis algorithm, results showed that Landsat 8 OLI and pan-sharpened version of Landsat 8 OLI image achieved an overall classification accuracy of 79 and 77.8%, respectively, while WorldView-2 used as a benchmark image, obtained 86.5%. Despite low spatial of resolution 30 m, result show that Landsat 8 OLI was reliable in discriminating forest species with reasonable and acceptable accuracy. This freely available imagery provides cheaper and accessible alternative that covers larger swath-width, necessary for regional and local forests assessment and management. The second objective was to examine the effectiveness of Sentinel-1 and 2 for commercial forest species mapping. With the use of Linear Discriminant Analysis, results showed an overall accuracy of 84% when using Sentinel 2 raw image as a standalone data. However, when Sentinel 2 was fused with Sentinel’s 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, the overall accuracy increased to 88% using Vertical transmit/Horizontal receive (VH) polarization and 87% with Vertical transmit/Vertical receive (VV) polarization datasets. The utility of SAR data demonstrates capability for complementing Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery in forest species mapping and management. Overall, newly generated and readily available sensors demonstrated capability to accurately provide reliable information critical for mapping and monitoring of commercial forest species at local and regional scales

    Quantifying ecosystem services within a reforested urban landscape using remote sensing in eThekwini region of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Abstract available in PDF

    The Utility of Sentinel-2 Spectral Data in Quantifying Above-Ground Carbon Stock in an Urban Reforested Landscape

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    The transformation of the natural landscape into an impervious surface due to urbanization has often been considered an important driver of environmental change, affecting essential urban ecological processes and ecosystem services. Continuous forest degradation and deforestation due to urbanization have led to an increase in atmospheric carbon emissions, risks, and impacts associated with climate change within urban landscapes and beyond them. Hence, urban reforestation has become a reliable long-term alternative for carbon sink and climate change mitigation. However, there is an urgent need for spatially accurate and concise quantification of these forest carbon stocks in order to understand and effectively monitor the accumulation and progress on such ecosystem services. Hence, this study sought to examine the prospect of Sentinel-2 spectral data in quantifying carbon stock in a reforested urban landscape using the random forest ensemble. Results show that Sentinel-2 spectral data estimated reforested forest carbon stock to an RMSE between 0.378 and 0.466 t·ha−1 and R2 of 79.82 and 77.96% using calibration and validation datasets. Based on random forest variable selection and backward elimination approaches, the red-edge normalized difference vegetation index, enhanced vegetation index, modified simple ratio index, and normalized difference vegetation index were the best subset of predictor variables of carbon stock. These findings demonstrate the value and prospects of Sentinel-2 spectral data for predicting carbon stock in reforested urban landscapes. This information is critical for adopting informed management policies and plans for optimizing urban reforested landscapes carbon sequestration capacity and improving their climate change mitigation potential

    Examining the effectiveness of Sentinel-1 and 2 imagery for commercial forest species mapping

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    The successful launch and operation of the Sentinel satellite platform has provided access to freely available remotely sensed data useful for commercial forest species discrimination. Sentinel – 1 (S1) with a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor and Sentinel – 2 (S2) multi-spectral sensor with additional and strategically positioned bands offer great potential for providing reliable information for discriminating and mapping commercial forest species. In this study, we sought to determine the value of S1 and S2 data characteristics in discriminating and mapping commercial forest species. Using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm, S2 multi-spectral imagery showed an overall classification accuracy of 84% (kappa = 0.81), with bands such as the red-edge (703.9–740.2 nm), narrow near infrared (835.1–864.8 nm), and short wave infrared (1613.7–2202.4 nm) particularly influential in discriminating individual forest species stands. When Sentinel 2’s spectral wavebands were fused with Sentinel 1’s (SAR) VV and VH polarimetric modes, overall classification accuracies improved to 87% (kappa = 0.83) and 88% (kappa = 0.85), respectively. These findings demonstrate the value of combining Sentinel’s multispectral and SAR structural information characteristics in improving commercial forest species discrimination. These, in addition to the sensors free availability, higher spatial resolution and larger swath width, offer unprecedented opportunities for improved local and large scale commercial forest species discrimination and mapping